Get Informed
As an employee its so important to 'know your stuff'. On this page you will find some information and suggested links that you should refamiliarise yourself with in preparation for casual, part time or full time employment.
AOD Service Providers need staff who can hit the ground running so the better prepared you are the better employment opportunities you are likely to attract..
November 08, 2017
The DHHS Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) Program Guidelines (parts 1, 2 & 3) provide the detail of the overall Victorian AOD service system.
As an AOD worker it is crucial to understand where your role fits in the bigger picture and how since the recommisioning of AOD services the system has changed. We have provided the link to Parts 1, 2 & 3 of the Guidelines however Part 2 is arguably the most pertinent to preparing yourself for employment in the sector so Click here to check them out
November 08, 2017
The regularity of new drugs flooding the market makes it difficult to keep up to date with current trends and more importantly with the risks they present for our clients. The Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) is a fantastic resource for up to date factual information. Its information regarding Drug Facts is a must. If you are not already signed up for the ADF News Updates then we would encourage you to do so. The more we know about the substances our clients are using the better we are at being able to support them. Click here to check out the ADF's Drug Facts
November 08, 2017
Intake, Self Screen and Comprehensive Assessment-what does it all mean?
The first step in receiving help for clients needing AOD services is Intake followed in most instances by the completion of the Self Screen (including the AUDIT, the Dudit and the K10) and then finally a comprehensive assessment to determine their individual treatment needs and goals. Click here to check out the DHHS authorised Intake and Assessment Tools as developed and updated by Turning Point as well as many other modules and the very detailed Clinician guide which is a must read.
November 08, 2017
Historically AOD service providers have been and remain challenged by the 'no show' rate of our clients. As frustrating as it is for all of us it makes it even more important to ensure our clients leave our services with something significant whenever they do attend.
Unfortunately given the nature of addiction not all of our clients will complete treatment however the benefits of even 'a brief intervention' should not be underestimated. To find out more about the The WHO ASSIST-linked brief intervention for hazardous and harmful substance use press 'Click here
November 08, 2017
Do you want to work with Forensic clients? Are you Forensically Accreditated? What is Forensic Accreditation?
Working with Forensic /mandated clients provides us with an opportunity to introduce clients who have been involved in the justice system (as a result of their drug and alcohol use) to the benefits of AOD treatment and help them navigate a service system they may not have otherwise experienced. Understandably some Forensic clients can be quite complex therefore requiring more experienced staff and as such 'Forensic Accreditation' is required before you are able to work with Forensic clients in the AOD Sector. To find out what you need to do to receive Forensic Accreditation please Click here . The link will take you to the ACSO COATS website where you will find all the information you need as well as information about the Forensic Workforce AOD Training provided by Caraniche.
November 08, 2017
What Qualifications do l need to be an AOD Worker?
The AOD Sector is an incredibly interesting sector to work in and it is both personally and professionally satisfying so if you wondering how you get qualified to get your foot in the door Click here to find out more about the DHHS Minimal Qualifications Strategy
November 08, 2017
So you have a foot in the door but whats next study wise?
If you already have a foot in the door but you want to enhance your career opportunities Click here to check out the DHHS AOD Workforce Learning & Development link . The list of courses and study available will give you food for thought and help point you in the right direction depending on what you want to do in the future
November 08, 2017
Are you signed up with The AOD Sector's Peak Body? VAADA for everything AOD Sector
If you don't already subscribe to VAADA you really should consider it. VAADA the Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association keeps the AOD sector informed about a range of things including policy changes that impact the sector, funding opportunities and upcoming training so if you are an AOD Professional or you want to be one click her to sign up